Aunt Ann Adalaide Dennis Jaussi

Sweet Aunt Ann Adalaide Jaussi passed away September 17, 2008. She was a sweet woman, whom I wished I could have gotten to know better. These pictures were taken after the funeral of Lon's mother Norma Lee Bird Tracy, August 2002. In this photo is Aunt Ann, Lon, Susanna and Betsy.

Aunt Ann, Lon, and Uncle Dee (Norma's brother).

Christina Tracy (Von's daughter), Aunt Ann and Lon.

Dana, Aunt Ann, baby Amy Tracy (5 months old) and Uncle Bill Jaussi's midsection.

She was Hyrum Smith's great granddaughter. When I think of Grandpa Tracy and Courtney Cox (Eileen and Dennis' granddaughter) I think that being a great granddaughter isn't so distant in age difference. You could actually have alot of contact with your great grandfather. Aunt Ann was born in 1910, and was married I believe in 1936, by her cousin, the prophet, Joseph Fielding Smith. What a great moment.

She will be greatly missed.


Lon and Dana Tracy said...
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Lon and Dana Tracy said...

Okay, I really don't know what I am doing. I almost deleted the whole post and I deleted my own comment. Forgive my inexperience on this blog. I will try to get better.